作者:子墨 栏目:热点 来源:证券之星 发布时间:2024-12-04 02:31 阅读量:12028
内容摘要:FromDecember2to4,the2024UnderstandingChinaConferenceisheldinGuangzhou. Onthefirstdayoftheconference,StavrosN.Yiannouka,...From December 2 to 4, the 2024 Understanding China Conference is held in Guangzhou.
On the first day of the conference, Stavros N. Yiannouka, CEO of the World Innovation Summit for Education , said that he was impressed by the development of the GBA. He told reporter that the GBA is one of the main centers for innovation globally, with a lot of higher education institutions and high-tech companies. And there's increasing synergy between the two. In this regard, he believes the GBA can potentially position itself as an innovation laboratory for education.
Reporter: Sharon Hu
Editor: Stephanie Li
Video editing: Andy Yuan